+April 17, 2023
Rumble Recap, Prelims Week Two, Semifinals lineup + the Wildcard!
Rumble Recap, Prelims Week Two, Semifinals lineup + the Wildcard!
Rock & Roll Rumble updates
Happy New Year! Hear new Not Bad Not Well, Sapling, The Rupert Selection, Airport,
Wildcat Slim, Luxury Deathtrap, Jenny Dee & the Deelinquents, favorite Songs of the Year and moments from 2022 and news about #ARTSTAYSHERE
Music from the original Rock & Roll Rumble Class of 2020: Wax On, Knock Over City, War On Alexandria, Hyber, The Shallows, The Hats, Yoni Gordon & The Goods, Pregame Rituals, The Endorphins, OroborO, WarGraves, Hands 3, Roll Over White, Rabbithole, Motel Art, Gray Bouchard & The Dedications, Graveyard Of The Atlantic, Mosaic Mirrors, The Shirts and Shoes, Lady Lupine, Wildcat Slim, Wire Lines, Donaher, The Only Things + Set Fire (2019 Rumble champions)
Music from Tanya Donelly, Ruin The Nite, Wildcat Slim, Robotic Hawks, Fire For Caveman, SteadyState, Silica, Grenon, Kerrin Connolly, The Waitlist, The Macrotones, Between Skies, and The Grownup Noise recorded live on Boston Emissions Summer Sessions, Aug 24, 2015